Pulsar Permanent Hair Reduction

Hair Reduction – Men and Women with unwanted hair in any site can be safely and effectively treated with the latest Intensed Pulsed Light PULSAR system. We can customise your treatment according to the colour and texture of your hair and the area of the body to be treated. Traditionally you were unable to treat vellous hair that has lost some pigment. Pulsar have developed a vellous head which is also very successful on blonde hair. Permanent hair reduction of 90%+.

PROCEDURE – The aim of the treatment is to destroy the hair follicle without damaging the surrounding tissue. This is done by heating the follicle to a destructive temperature. No damage is caused to the skin surface. The targeted hair will fall out 2 weeks after your treatment.

ADVANTAGES – Larger areas can be treated by these methods, rather than by electrolysis or tweezing. It is effective in almost any area of the body where smoother, hair free skin is desired. Any hair regrowth should be finer, sparser and lighter in colour.

TREATMENT PROGRAMME – The number of treatments required depends on the area you wish to have treated, your skin type and your hair’s growth cycle. Treatment continues until the hair is gone and several treatments are often necessary.

A Pulsar Clinic

Is held every 4 weeks; For dates and prices please contact the salon.

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